Veteran journalist Felix Ikechi Uka, known for his insightful reporting, unveiled his latest book, The Splendor of Hard Work, at the Dr. Sam Egwu Press Centre in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. The event attracted dignitaries, including representatives of the Ebonyi State Government, academics, and media professionals, who praised the author’s dedication to societal growth through his work.
The book delves into themes of resilience, leadership, and success, drawing from both historical and contemporary examples. Reviewer Dr. Eugene Otu Chukwu described it as a masterpiece and a call to action, emphasizing hard work, willpower, and divine favor as critical factors for achieving greatness.
The Splendor of Hard Work explores Governor Francis Nwifuru’s inspiring journey from humble beginnings as a bricklayer to his current role as Governor of Ebonyi State. It also chronicles his administration’s transformative initiatives, such as scholarships, rural empowerment programs, and staff welfare improvements.
Dr. Otu noted that the book provides a broader analysis of past Ebonyi State administrations, highlighting their unique contributions to the state’s development, from Senator Sam Egwu’s focus on education to Senator David Umahi’s infrastructural achievements.
Felix Uka shared his motivation for writing the book, stating, “This is not just about politics or governance—it’s about values like diligence, discipline, and integrity that define true success.”
Governor Francis Nwifuru, represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Grace Umezurike, commended the book’s ability to inspire and educate, describing Uka as a journalist who captures the essence of societal progress through his work.