In a heartbreaking incident, 40-year-old Joshua Nwafor is accused of killing his wife, Charity, following an argument over a tuber of yam in Nsokkara, Ezza South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
The couple, married for 17 years with children, had an altercation when Joshua intended to cook yam for the family, while Charity preferred it roasted. Eyewitnesses recount that Charity proceeded to roast the yam against Joshua’s wishes, sparking his anger. He allegedly dragged her into their room, locked the door, and inflicted severe injuries on her, leading to her death.
The Ebonyi State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Joshua Ukandu, denounced the act, labeling it senseless. He assured the public that a thorough investigation would be conducted and that the suspect would face justice.
This tragedy has reignited calls for peaceful conflict resolution in marriages and for individuals to prioritize personal safety over societal pressures to remain in life-threatening relationships.